Who is a Guru?
Who is a GURU?
‘GURU’ – ‘Gu’ means destroyer or remover, and ‘Ru’ means darkness or ignorance. Therefore, a Guru is the destroyer of our ignorance and illuminer of knowledge. The term ‘Gu’ also means ‘Gunaheet’ meaning beyond Gunas, qualities or attributes and ‘Ru’ means ‘Rupavarjita’ meaning beyond all forms or formless. Therefore, the Guru is the One who has transcended the mind, body, senses, and the three Gunas. ‘Gu’ also denotes spiritual ignorance, and ‘Ru’ denotes the light of spiritual knowledge. Therefore, Guru is the One who dispels the darkness of spiritual ignorance in his disciples and illuminates them with spiritual knowledge through spiritual experiences. The Guru is the Tattva or the Teaching Principle of God. He is Nirgun or Unmanifest. The unmanifest Guru pervades the entire Universe at all times. The unmanifest Guru works through some of the evolved individuals who are known as the sagun or manifest Guru in the human form – ‘Gurur Sakshat Parabrahma.’
The Guru in the human form is the beacon of spiritual knowledge for guiding the sincere spiritual seekers on the path of Spirituality and towards God-Realization. The Guru initiates the few chosen ones formally into the world of Spirituality according to his discretion. The twice-born disciples enter the world of the Spiritual by giving up their materially worldly relationships. From that day, the Guru becomes the Mother, Father, Teacher, and every other relationship. The true disciples commit their life in service of their Guru by taking refuge unto the Lotus Feet of their Guru. A Guru is the manifestation of the divine Lord Himself – ‘Gurur Sakshat Parabramha.’ Only a ‘real’ Guru can give you the direct experience of God. For e.g., Lord Dattatreya, Kapila Muni, Vyasdev, Sukhdev, Adi Shankara Charya, etc., to name a few, are the Gurus of all times. Only a true Guru can remove the material world imperfections and perfect the spiritual knowledge in his devotees and disciple.
For more visit: radhakrsnamaigurukul.com
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